Chandrabali Rudra Dutta, a well known figure in the world of music, made her mark very early in life. Trained initially under her mother and later in classical vocal, Rabindra Sangeet, Puratani and Tappa, Nazrulgeeti and Adhunik under renowned maestros, she is considered one of the nightingales of Bengal. Among the well known gurus who contributed to the making of Chandrabali -‘The singer’, are Shri Sunil Bose, Shri Dhiren Das, Late Sj. Shailaja Ranjan Majumdar, Late Shri Aurobindo Biswas, Shri Prasad Sen and Sri Subhas Choudhury, Shri Chandidas Mal, Shri Biman Mukherjee, Shri Samaresh Roy, Shri Sukumar Mitra and Shri Jatileswar Mukherjee. 
A student of merit, Chandrabali, graduated from Lady Brabourne College, Calcutta with honours in economics.While preparing for a career in Charttered Accountancy and Company Secretariship, she realised her love and passion for music overwhelmingly stronger. She chose the world of music as the goal for her future aspiration. Looking back she knows she had taken the right path, the path which won her many accolades and laurels.
Among many honours, she won state level prestigious prize, the 1st prize by the Rajya Sangeet Academy. Chandrabali’s sonorous voice reached every nook and corner of the country and music lovers welcomed the fresh voice of music with open arms.
Among her other noteworthy achievements are an”A” grade in music awarded through an
audition by “ALL INDIA RADIO” at a tender age. A regular artist of AIR, Doordarshan and other T.V. Channels, she has toured extensively all over India. She also participated in Banga Sammelan 2002 in Atlanta, U.S.A. She has to her credit of participating in an International opera “VIRTOPERA” by EBERHARD schoeners of Germany in December 2000 held at Max Muller Bhawan viewed online through internet in 34 countries world wide.
Today she runs a musical institution -“Geetika” where she trains budding talents. She is also a teacher of vocal music at Bengal Music College, Kolkata. She has many students who are established professionally.

Born in the year 2000 – GEETIKA – as the name suggests, is a musical institution. Vocal training and other specialized trainings are imparted to young aspiring singers to groom them into complete artists under the able guidance of Chandrabali Rudra Dutta. Though infant in age, Geetika has to its credit a number of highly applauded performances and has already made a name for itself as a choir group. ‘Geetika’ as a group, a well as, individual members, perform regularly on different television channels.
Raater Andhare Jamini (a compilation of Rabindra Sangeet) produced by Bihaan Music is the first CD presented by Geetika where ten solo songs were rendered by four young artists under Chandrabali’s direction.
In ‘E Desh Aamar’ the chorus songs are presented by the members of Geetika. This project is unique in the sense that patriotic songs and poems are presented together and some of the items have been recorded for the first time.
Chandrabali Rudra Dutta along with GEETIKA, her choral group have performed a number of Tagore songs in this album. All the songs carry the flavour of Rabindra Sangeet in its own way.